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10 Tips to Create a Dating Profile that Works!

how to create a good profile for nerdy guys and girls

Getting noticed online requires you to adopt the correct approach. Assuming you’ll get noticed without any prior effort is likely to end in failure, but your profile can change all of this. With a profile that ticks every box, you’ll showcase yourself to the people that matter.

Pick the Right Photos

People are attracted by appearances; that’s a fact. Having a killer description will obviously work, but photographs are what really count. One of the first things singles will do is check out photographs, so make sure your images are clear, honest and up-to-date. Ensure you’re the main focus, so avoid images with friends or family!

Forget the Clichés

While the idea of romantic walks along the beach might appeal to you, they’re likely to turn people away. What people want to discover is exactly who you are, so keep the information interesting and unique where possible. The idea is to include information that creates a perfect conversation starter.

Get Inspiration From Others

It’s time to remember that you’re not creating the first profile that the world has ever seen! With millions of profiles created before yours, it’s time to turn detective. Take a look around and discover what other users are including within their profile. Get ideas but remember that your profile is unique to you, so keep it original.

Keep it Positive

Dating online is a positive experience whereby singles are feeling confident about meeting someone special. Getting noticed isn’t about being negative about yourself or your thoughts. Don’t include information about what you dislike or hate, such as habits; keep an open mind and make your profile positive as it’ll put you in a better position.

Remain Honest

Considering including a white lie here and there? Think again because it’ll end in disaster. Remember to be honest because people are keen to discover the real you. Someone might believe your lies, only to discover the real you when you eventually meet up. Keep it honest, and you’re more likely to find success, not only at nerdy dating sites, but in life too.

Stay Specific

People are keen to learn about you, so don’t keep things basic or open to interpretation. If you love food, what cuisines do you enjoy? Are you a keen traveler? What countries do you love? The aim is to create a complete picture of who you are!

Complete Your Entire Profile

While creating a profile can take time and feel boring, you’re going to benefit by ensuring you provide every shred of information that’s asked of you. Empty sections will leave people wondering if you’ve something to hide, which will leave them avoiding you.

Keep it Fun

You’re going to need to come across as someone who is fun and outgoing because people love laughing. Show your sense of humor through your profile and engage with people subconsciously through the messages you’re sending via your profile.

Get Your Grammar Right

Of course, not everyone gets their grammar right but make sure you get your spelling right as well as your grammar. Use autocorrect if necessary, but the aim is to ensure people are not turned off your profile. A poorly constructed profile could look like one that is owned by a scammer.

Let Them Know What You’re Looking For

Everyone has a type of person they’re eager to date, so let them know. Don’t be too specific but avoid listing the weight, height or even their age because it won’t work. Keep it low key but ensure people can determine whether they’re going to work for you.

Nerd Nuances to Consider When Making a Profile

As a nerd, it’s important to ensure you stand for what your interests and personality dictate. Don’t fall into the trap of attempting to change. Believe in yourself and stand strong for your beliefs. You might consider yourself different, but many people will be attracted to you.


How to Create Opportunities to Connect

Keep your profile honest and true, and people will feel a connection to you. Make your information true and honest, and you’ll find true success when connecting with people.

How to Choose the Best Nerdy Dating Sites

It’s important to meet like-minded people when dating as a nerd. Therefore, ensure you explore sites that are designed to help you connect with real people who share your interests. There’s a whole range of services to pick from, so you’re certain to find something that works.